Two little fish swim past an old fish. The old fish asks the two young fish "Hi, how´s the water?" The two little fish look at each other perplexed, answering "What water?"Besides a good laugh, this also brings up a very good point that applies especially to us humans, whose best evolutionary skill is adaptation. We grow up in a certain environment, we get used to it, we don´t even notice it anymore. So how do I know then, if it is time to change something out of my own initiative? After all, life has its own innate ups and downs. Therefore it is hard to spot whether I am just swimming in a passing current of polluted water or if I am in it for good.
This prime characteristic of humans - adaptability - is one of the biggest challenges for us life coaches who feel called to help improve people´s lives. Unless the "pain" is acute and urgent, the recognition of how much better life can be, is often unexplored and undiscovered. Therefore, many people endure and cope rather than live life for what it is: precious, energetic, inspired and so much more.
I find myself wonder at times, whether I am just on a natural wave of life on the way down from a high or whether I experience the down because I am missing some things and could make some adjustments. My experience is that both have its place in life. Honoring and taking the time to digest what is, to reflect, what was and investigating what to leave behind, what does not serve anymore and what to have more of in life: fun, relaxation, spiritual connection, social interaction, love, fulfillment, happiness...? You name it.