Current Events

Sunday, January 17, 2010

A New Brain - A New Life

Epiphany - That´s what happened to me on the morning of my 2010 birthday. I was listening to an interview of one of the leading brain scientists from Germany. He talked about revolutionary findings of recent years which were made possible by new noninvasive methods. The brain in action can be observed. The things he said confirmed the things I have learned in my spiritually based Coaching Training. Amazing! There was this university professor who confirmed and affirmed my work as a Life Coach. It was my best birthday present, because he told me that my life´s work matters. I can help people reshape their brains and give them a new life, THE life they always wanted, the live they choose to have. And all of that completely without brain surgery.....

According to neuroscience the brain can be reshaped until the end of its life. This in itself is a fairly new and revolutionary finding. So it is never enough to have a good life, no matter the history. But also revolutionary is the finding that things learned in a positive atmosphere, with positive feelings and done with enthusiasm and passion, are the things that truly shape your brain. This delivers the scientific explanation of the incredible results of the inspired learning model ( This model got developed by my coaching teachers after applying it to coaching trainées for years. I was fortunate to experience it myself and am now blessed to be able to pass it on through my work. The brain expert (by the way his name is Gerald Hüther, he has published many books on the topic, one of them together with the Dalai Lama) also talked about the power of pictures in the brain for success. In coaching we call it visualization. He mentioned that successful trainers in sports use the pictures in the brain and have great result with their top sports people. He also said that not only do they get instructed to imagine how they are standing there with the gold medal and the crowd is cheering them, they are also encouraged to FEEL the feelings that they have once they have won, to BE the winner. Now, this is exactly what I have learned to do with my coachées. Never before have I heard science talk about it, despite great results with my clients. Here it all was, the scientific proof, proof of the power of these methods, visible in the brain. My hope is that these scientific results will encourage people who are very science oriented to go and shape their lives as they wish them to be and to reach high and BE successful, BE happy, BE themselves. This is a day to celebrate, indeed!

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